The Farmers

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Zack's first dance - February 12, 2009

Zack all dressed up for his first "dance" at school. My handsome boy . . . . He really didn't want to go to the dance, but after learning some fun group dances in PE (e.g. the Hustle, Macarana, etc.) he seemed kind of excited about it. The sad thing is they are supposed to fill out a dance card with those he wants to dance with, but he was out sick and they filled it out for him. So, he was pretty disappointed by a couple of the girls he was obligated to dance with, but hopefully there were a few good ones in there. There were also some "boys choice" so he would have a chance to dance with someone he may have wanted to put on the list.
Zack had the most fun ever at the dance, he danced with several girls, one twice! He also danced with a few of his teachers, so cute. They had soda and cookies and of course that thrilled him!
He really didn't want to go when he first heard about it, but I assured him he would be sorry if he didn't go. He realized how right I was and is really looking forward to the next dance in March so he can get his groove on!

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