The Farmers

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bear Lake Triathalon

Friday and Saturday I had to work to help at a Triathalon (where very fit people run, bike and swim) to benefit the Ronald McDonald House Charities at Bear Lake. Sammy and I worked Friday night at Utah State handing out T-shirts and hats to those who were picking up their registration packets. We had a great time! Ronald McDonald came and "worked the room" for a while, here is a picture of Sammy with his new buddy Ronald.

Saturday, we had to be back up to Bear Lake bright and early. I intended on getting there by 6:30 a.m., but didn't make it until 8:30 a.m. We were so tired. We had to bring the kids up because they had issues at their sleepover/babysitters and wanted to come home. So, we got up at the crack of dawn and headed to Bear Lake (a near 2 hour drive). We finally arrived, Sammy got set up with the kids on the Beach where the swimmers started and I was taken off by car with some other guy I didn't know to some place on the "run" path in a campground, it was kinda freaky getting carted off with people I didn't know to a place I was completely unfamiliar with. But, the guy I was there with was hilarious, we had a blast. We handed cups to ALL the runners as they passed by, some wanted it just thrown on them, so that was a kick. We seriously laughed our heads off for 3 plus hours. We were totally on an adrenaline rush. We actually ran out of water, and cups at different times but we found a fountain nearby and were able to refill. It got really crazy at times, but it was really a lot of fun. OH, and we were constantly attacked by mosquitos and the runners were just throwing their cups on the ground. There were hundreds of cups all over the road, my parther was going crazy because it was so messy and he said he has OCD. Too funny! It would have been really nice to have had a garbage can from the start. But, another volunteer down the road from us came with one towards the end and we helped him pick all of them up. What a mess! I did get to see a lot of the people we gave t-shirts to the night before, like the guy on vacation from Germany. He was way ahead of the pack, so I am thinking he did pretty well, or maybe even won his event. I am sure the locals were pissed! Anyway, me and my partner were walking back because we gave up on someone picking us up, it was probably a mile and a half. My arches were killing me in my feet and he was exhausted from being there at 4:45 am and bending and straightening writing numbers on calves. So we were quite a pair. But just as we got close to the starting point, Sammy was driving our way (I have never been so happy to see him) looking for me. He was worried (how sweet) because he was starving and he knew I hadn't eaten ANYTHING that morning, and he was worried about me. That was really sweet. He gave us a ride back to the base and I found my Ronald McDonald partners and said goodbye.

Needlesstosay, Sunday I was exhausted. I think I was still in a semi-coma Saturday night when I went to bed. I fell asleep and then my phone rang at 10pm and it was my mom, I just reached over and hit the "ignore" button because I was so out of it and then I dropped the phone, well, it landed in a large cup of milk on the table next to the bed! Can you believe it?! It seemed to be ok, but all the dampness detectors were now pink, so no chance for a warranty replacement on it. It wasn't working, then it started working later that day, so I think it has survived. But that gives you an idea about how "out of it" I was from those two long days!

I am kinda hoping that they do it next year, at least Iwill be more prepared and know how it all works. It was really a fun weekend, despite being totally exhausted.

Zack and Football

"Nobody knows what a boy is worth and the world must wait and see, for every man in an honored place, is a boy that used to be."

Well, I had hopes and dreams that Zack would be the next Brett Favre, a quarterback for the NFL, but that dream came and went in a matter of 7 days.

He started HELL week (as they call it) with two hours of conditioning in the hot summer heat. Zack did pretty well, considering he had spent two months playing video games, with not much cardiovascular activity. He only had trouble with the running, but it proved to be his downfall. He would run out of breath, they wouldn't let him walk, and he would panic, thinking he was going to die. His coach was unsympathetic despite me and Sammy's attempts to get him to understand and work to help him over this little hurdle.

He survived that week, but when he wore the full pads the following Monday, it happened again and he couldn't catch his breath. The coach came and screamed at him. I was furious with Zack as well out of total frustration. He was a mess and we had to go home. Tuesday we went and talked to the Director of the Rec office to see about possibly moving him down one level, but he felt the coach on that team was equally as tough and it would be best to try and work it out. He assured us the coach was a "good guy" and would work with Zack and promised to talk with him. I all but forced Zack to go to practice, even through his tears, but I asked him to give the coach a chance to change. Well, it didn't work. The assistant coach was screaming at him and walking towards him like a bull in a bullfight, Zack was scared to death I think. The head coach came over after practice and gave Zack the same lecture he had given the past two times. Saying he need to work hard and give his all, well, Zack was giving his all and working very hard. When I mentioned he gets scared about not being able to catch his breath, he said "there was nothing he could do about that." It was clear he had no intent on helping Zack get over this breathing hurdle which would only have taken a day or two, so I allowed him to quit. I hated to see him go through that, and what is so sad is that he HATES the game of football now. And what is worse is that he didn't even get to play the "game" of football. So it was ruined for him before it even got started but the jerk of a coach who couldn't have some compassion and care for a kid who just needed a little help. Very sad.

Here is a picture of Zack on the first day he had to wear pads, he looks a little like Frankenstein!

Summer is Over

Well, I can't believe summer is over already! It sure flew by this time, I guess I was having fun this time around. I didn't have to go in to Weber State at all over the summer and I think that made a huge difference. We spent lots of time at Classic Water Slides and at Granny's pool. The kids also bolwed in a bowling league again, this was their second year. They both had friends on their teams, so that made it even better. Well, except for the girls team, Jordyn and Belle faught every day, so we may rethink the friend team next year.

The weather is still hot, but it could be worse. We had a few days over the past couple weeks where I could feel the crispness (is that even a word?) in the air giving us just a taste of fall. I am definitely ready for some cool temps, coffee and fall colors!

I finally bit the bullet and quit my job at Weber State when I returned from summer break. I gave two weeks notice, but only ended up having to stay one week which was fantastic since I didn't have to work the first day the kids were back in school. I will miss WSU, I met a lot of amazing women (and men) but it was time to move onward and upward to Graduate School. Plus, now I can be home with the kids if they are sick with no guilt or worry. So far, I am loving it and Zack has already been out sick two days with the croup, so I think I made the right choice.

Here are some pictures we took during the summer! Enjoy!

Yeee Hawwww